PIVOT Customer Reviews: Real Answers to Your Questions

PIVOT Customer Reviews: Real Answers to Your Questions

The people have spoken. The PIVOT Trustpilot has a lot of 5★ reviews from our customers who are based all over the world. The PIVOT average score is a massive 4.8. Something we are immensely proud of. 


The goal of PIVOT was to build a bed that turned into a functioning gym and workout area. We wanted to solve the problem of being able to workout at home without compromising space and losing the functionality of a bedroom or a guestroom. 

We knew we had to deliver a solid gym for strength and weight training that could quickly transform into a bed. The bed had to be as comfy as any leading traditional bed on the market. It also had to fit into a bedroom physically and be visually stunning. Once the bed was down, we wanted the room to feel like an actual bedroom where you could relax and get a good night's sleep. 

Reading through our Trustpilot page shows that we have successfully delivered on our high-concept idea.

Often our reviewers have answered many of our regular FAQs in a way that we couldn't. So we have compiled the PIVOT reviewer's frequently asked questions blog. 

Click here to read all our reviews in full.

Does PIVOT solve my space problem?

Our reviewers live in a variety of properties. Here is a small sample of the homes we sent PIVOT to. 

John is really pushed for space and lives "in a one-bedroom shoebox condo, where space is very limited". Matthew in the US has a bit more space, but his spare room was his gym, and guests were regularly sleeping on the couch. 

Robert lives in a Boston condo and has used PIVOT to transform his spare room into a gym, office and guest room. Jack from the UK lives in a "relatively small 2-bed city flat", and there is Andrew, who lives in London where floor space is a premium along with the gym membership prices.

In the Netherlands, Axel has fitted PIVOT into his small home. "My room is 450cm deep and 244cm wide". He appreciates how PIVOT has scaled the gym but left nothing out regarding gym versatility. 

Where can we ship PIVOT to?

Despite being based in the UK, where many of our customers live, PIVOT is fast becoming a global brand. As is evident from our reviews, PIVOT customers live all over the world. A big part of our community lives in the US and Canada, many of them in densely populated cities. 

There is a lovely review from Artur, one of our European customers that we regularly ship to. Due to their age, he and his wife decided to invest in a PIVOT. "We are an elderly couple that needed a place for stretching exercises." It's great to hear a story about how PIVOT has helped a couple looking for a way to fix their rehabilitation equipment. 

What workouts can you do with a PIVOT?

PIVOT is designed for lifting, squats, pressing, hanging and more. It has been very cool to find out how everyone uses PIVOT in their homes. 

Richard and his partner are clearly very active people and use PIVOT and the space for "weights, yoga and HIT." David from the UK has been using his PIVOT for dips and pull-ups, but he also uses the floor area created when the bed is up to use his Whipr rowing machine. 

Another customer has stopped going to the Gym as "Pivot has helped me do all my big lifts at home with ease. Squats, Bench Press and Deadlifts."

How solid is PIVOT?

As you scroll through the reviews, you will see phrases such as "Bomb Proof", "PIVOT will be here long after I'm gone", and a personal favourite of ours ", This thing is a work of art."

A user called Peter had previously been using a cheap rack from Amazon that didn't allow him to lift anything with confidence. With PIVOT set up for benching weights, he feels that he can "truly train to failure, even when I'm the only person in the house."

Alex left us a really long review about how PIVOT has saved him so much time in gym commutes, but he was most impressed with "The exceptional design, quality of materials, and attention to detail."

Does PIVOT meet your expectations? 

The answer is a resounding yes from all individuals who have taken the time to write about PIVOT. Axel signed off his review with, "It looks good, feels good, is good."

While others were more literal, like John, "I've been using PIVOT for a couple of months now, and it has lived up to my expectations of what I had hoped it would be. PIVOT has delivered on their promise." Joseph has a similar response "The product has exceeded every expectation I had."

"Pivot is everything I was hoping for!" This reviewer hoped he could continue working out at home but not lose his guest room. As for Jack, "PIVOT has been a game changer."

That feeling doesn't go away. After 6 months, Steph is "still as impressed as we were on day one."

What about the PIVOT bed? 

It is easy for us fitness addicts to see the rack as the essential part of PIVOT, but if it is your primary bed or one for guests, it's super important that it looks good and feels comfy. 

The news from our reviews is good. One impressed customer wrote, "When in bed mode, it's a perfectly normal-looking elegant bed", and Sebastien has declared the bed "really comfortable". 

Lisa was one of our earliest customers. She waited 9 months before dropping her review. This gave her time to do a thorough test. The purchase was originally her husband's idea, but she has been surprised at how much use she has gotten out of the gym. As for the bed, she declares it "amazingly sturdy, and the bed is very comfortable."

Is PIVOT easy to lift? 

Remember Jack from the small city 2-bed appartment? He tells us that he uses a lot of weights as part of his training and stores them on the frame to keep the room tidy. With all the extra weight, Jack informs us, "the bed is still so easy to lift and get into place thanks to the lifting arms".

Another user had a similar experience "The gas shocks help a lot with lifting the bed."

What else do our Customers have to say about PIVOT?

First, there is this comment from Lee, "Team Pivot really need to give themselves a massive pat on the back because this product is second to none." We have followed Lee's suggestion, and we have well and truly patted our backs. 

A user with the name Cbrtim has seen the future savings he will make now he has a gym set up at home. "Although it's a big investment, I no longer pay £500 pa gym membership, so it will pay for itself in a few years."

Many reviews have concluded PIVOT is a game changer, like Iain, who used that as his review heading. With that, we will let Iain sum up what many others have expressed in his short but concise review. "PIVOT has cut no corners, it's top quality, and I now have a guest bedroom and a complete home gym."

If you want more examples of how PIVOT has transformed lives and homes, check out all the reviews on our Trustpilot page.

Read more from our featured Trustpilot reviewers. 

John - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/6479e05ab9257a0012218eaa 

Matthew - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/644855de12e4c6001365a65f

Robert - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/643615e22fd48000129d14d5

Lee - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/6194e10de5ed310012ee4764

Jack - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/6321ad1c452b9d00132af449

Michale - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/62bae38838461700135cee31

Richard - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/5fc79565e4791c0019c3f975

Axel - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/508e726f00006400012555b3

Matt - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/643e23ff612df50012c3501a

Peter - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/6272b8884412db0012dba47c

Steph - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/636043466286c80012754f1a

Joseph - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/642c49984afec200129dc39b

Lisa - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/58c7dde60000ff000a8166e4

Cbrtim - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/5c82898ef46be3fa5734facb

Iain - https://www.trustpilot.com/users/622672d9ef541f0012876a2a

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